Our 1 QT Takeaway: 061820
• Accepting God’s love removes our self-rejection.
My notes:
‘Though you have made me see troubles…you will restore my life again. Psalm 71:20
– Living in fear of rejection ultimately causes that very rejection you wanted to avoid. (Church Devotional)
– You teach people how to value you by how much you value yourself. (Church)
– You already have God’s full acceptance. (Church Devotional)
‘You are precious and honored in my sight…I love you.’ Isa. 43:4 (cut a bit)
– When you are full of yourself, God cannot fill you. (Max Lucado)
– We are tempted to walk around obstacles to evade them. (Streams in the Desert)
‘Come to me…and I will give you rest.’ Mat 11:28 cut up
My takeaway:
• Facing the truth that God loves you will change the way you love yourself. Accepting God’s love removes our self-rejection.