Today’s QT takeaway: 102919
• Prayer Unsticks us From Earth
My notes:
– God customizes our thorns…he is more interested in our character than our comfort (Church Devo. Ouch! seems harsh to me too…)
– God has boundless compassion in not sparing His Son (Valley of Vision)
– In prayer I enter the eternal world (Valley of Vision)
– Bow to the KING and rise to see the glory and joy and wonder of your surprise! (God Calling)
– I am not made right by something I do (repent or obedience), I’m made right by what Jesus did! (O. Chambers)
…’God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit’… . Rom. 5:5
‘It is finished.’ John 19:30
The takeaway: God’s gift of LIFE Through HIS LOVE – dissolves what glues is to earth. Prayer unsticks us.