Our Distilled Takeaway: 100219
• Unbelief is a Deep-Rooted Weed – Trusting Myself and not God
My Notes:
– May the weeds that grow in my soul be cut at their roots (Valley of Vision) (Chop off unbelief)
– Hurt comes when I yield to myself and not to God (God Calling)
– In humiliation, skepticism is removed, and faithfulness revealed. When facing facts in the ‘valley’ you learn who Jesus really is. (O. Chambers)
(It’s not on the mountain top where we truly trust His power)
‘Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’ Rom. 10:13
– Do I read my Bible for information or transformation? (J. Denison)
My takeaway: Trusting Jesus requires I dig myself out of my life.