Today’s 1 Minute Takeaway: 062019
• If You Want to Help Yourself — Pray for Others
The notes:
— Quarry me deep so I overflow with living water
— Unbelief blocks miracles. Miracles require believing faith
— Intercessory prayer is the key to answered prayer
‘The LORD restored Job’s losses when he prayed for his friends.’ Job 42:10
— Realize there are people with bigger problems than yours – get perspective
‘You are not your own.’ 1 Cor. 6:19
— “The way you store up treasures in heaven is by investing in getting people there.” Rick Warren
(And this doesn’t really fit but I love it: Food is “God’s love made edible.” Norma Wiesbaden)
End Note: Believing Faith & Praying for Others Unblocks Miracles