Our 1 QT takeaway: 062620
• Following God’s guidance in the small things – changes the big things.
My notes:
– Your Spirit strives to warn me, but I ignore you to my own hurt. (Valley of Vision)
‘Show me the way I should go…’ Psalm 143:8b
– Those around us are often antagonized or attracted by the small things we do. (Valley of Vision)
– When we follow the crowd, we are in no danger to the devil. I would rather be in the furnace than killed by the heat. (Persecuted Christian)
– No one has ever been argued into a change of heart. (Bob Goff)
‘Becoming envious, they took evil men … gathered a mob and set the city in an uproar…’ Acts 17:5
My takeaway:
• Following God’s guidance in the small things – changes the big things.