A nations future is only as certain as the devotion of its defenders.’ (Ronald Regan)
Thank You Veterans! Your service blesses all of us!
Today’s QT takeaway:111119
• Obedience has great cost and greater reward
My notes:
– Oft times spiritual comforts are at their highest when physical well-being is at its lowest (Valley of Vision)
– Abraham did not choose what the sacrifice would be…he didn’t protest, debate or delay (O. Chambers)
– Willingness to depend on God and not myself unlocks His power in me (Jesus Calling)
‘…I pray you may know … his incomparably great power’… Eph. 1:18-20 (chopped)
– ‘Freedom often costs more than you expect but is always greater than you imagined.’ (Nick Pitts)
My takeaway: Freedom is costly. The soldier doesn’t choose his sacrifice- he chooses to obey his commanding officer for freedom’s sake. (Such an Abraham and Christ like example!)