We can’t understand because ‘His ways are not our ways. He is Sovereign.

We went to the WWII Museum in New Orleans last Sunday, it’s so incredible to me how much courage, tenacity, dedication, unparalleled teamwork and suffering for a greater cause, each soul endured. Thousands died for our country, for our way of life.

Couple that with the book I’m reading, ‘Man’s Search for Meaning’, by Holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl, and my heart has been unwound at the depth of evil men can inflict on others.

I found I was doing life differently yesterday- cherishing each moment, setting up times to talk with friends, taking time to sit and read…and gardening.

My big TAKEAWAY is that when things are good press into them!

“When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider: God has made one as well as the other.” Ecclesiastes 7:14

We can’t understand because ‘His ways are not our ways. He is Sovereign.

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