Share God With Us. QUIET TIME TAKEAWAY: We can sit on God's lap but not on His Throne. MY NOTES: "This generation dethrones God, taking His seat yet our hearts remain empty and our agonies increase the more we worship ourselves. The Throne is a one-seater." Days of Awe, a Jewish prayer book paraphrased "Even when we focus on ourselves God is still focused on the vulnerable child within us." Henri Nouwen "Let the little children come to me." Mat. 19:14 "In our troubles, we can crawl up onto his lap and he will hold us. iBelieve- D. McDaniel and 'Abba Father' Gal 4:6 "How we handle the struggles in life reveals what we believe about God." Greg Laurie MY TAKEAWAY: We can sit on God's lap but not on His Throne. Thank you for subscribing :) If you know someone who would enjoy these daily messages, simply have them text SHAREGOD to 855-285-0603.