Our 1 Minute Takeaway: 100919
• Guard my minutes to be useful to Gods concerns
My notes:
– Oh Jesus, guard the doors of my heart from Satan’s attacks, give me discernment of his deadly sins. (Valley of Vision)
– Life’s experiences draw us to God: Joy-Sorrow, Difficulty-Success, Hardship-Ease, Danger-Safety.
(God Calling)
– ‘Learn to know the present value of single minutes and endeavor to let not one particle fall useless to the ground.’ (Samuel Johnson)
– The greatest need we have is not to do things but believe things.
I cannot redeem myself, that is the sovereign work of God.
(O. Chambers)
‘Seek God while there is still time’ Isa 55:6
‘Fear not, for I have redeemed you;?i have summoned you by name, you are mine.‘ Isa 43:1
Our Takeaway: My time can be a blessing to others or just used for self-indulgence …