Our QT Takeaway: 071020
• God is in charge – I am not.
My notes:
– Thank you, Jesus, you enable me to abide with you in my valleys. (Valley of Vision)
– May I hold my character higher than my circumstances. (Valley)
‘I called to him, but he did not answer.’
(Song of Songs 5:6)
‘(In the storm) …they let go of the anchors and left them in the sea.’ Acts 27:40 (and they survived)
– Believers have knocked on Heaven’s Gates when they seemed rusted shut… But God knows when we need to wait- No prayer is ever lost, but the response may be delayed. (Streams)
‘… some were in charge of the serving vessels.’
1 Chron. 10:28
My takeaway from all this:
• My job is to do my job and not try to do God’s job.
He is in charge – I’m not.