Share God With Us. QUIET TIME TAKEAWAY: Christ's love in action show most in darkness and devastation. MY NOTES: "We have taught Christ, now we have to live Christ." The words of pastor hit by the tornados in KY - Dennison Forum " 8 states, 80+ lives lost, 200 miles devastation, communities wiped out. Property can be replaced, people can't. " F. Graham - asking for prayer and provision to send Chaplins to pray with 1000's of devastated people- paraphrased "Nothing can take God by surprise." Spurgeon '"I will give you the treasures of darkness." Isa. 45:3 "The most beautiful Brussels lace is woven in a near dark room, with light only on the pattern... " Streams in the Desert MY TAKEAWAY: Christ's love in action show most in darkness and devastation. Please help as you can. Thank you for subscribing :) If you know someone who would enjoy these daily messages, simply have them text SHAREGOD to 855-285-0603.