Our QT Takeaway: 071320
• God may be invisible to us, but we are not to him. Live rightly while you can, for a moment with God can change your eternity.
My notes:
– May I have sense enough to feel the hardness of my heart, and never have to condemn myself in the things I allow. (Valley of Vision)
‘In his pride the wicked man does not seek him; in all his thoughts there is no room for God.’ Psalm 10:4
– Although invisible, God’s promises hold us up just like air holds up a bird.(Streams – paraphrased)
– With childlike joyful trust- expect the next good thing not the next bad thing… (God Calling-paraphrased)
Today’s takeaway:
• Although we do not take time to see Him, faith allows us to see God all around us.
• A moment with God will change your eternity.