Quiet Time Takeaway:
I just need to ask, and God gives me Himself!
”God helps me with what He considers important- not necessarily what I think is important.”
The Bible Recap
“Sampson received strength, Solomon wisdom, Gideon courage, David leadership, Elisha a double portion…. What do I want from God?”
Dr. Frase & my question
Jeremiah 29:13 read backward says: “I will be found by you when you seek me with all your heart.“
“The Old Testament Spirit of God came as visitations. While New Testament Holy Spirit comes for habitation.“
Dr. Russ Frase Jr.
“I will pour our my Spirit in those days. … And everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved.”
Joel 2:29 & 32
I just need to ask, and God gives me Himself!