I rarely remember my dreams, but one night I had a nightmare that one of my kids was hit by a car in
front of our house. This was incredibly upsetting as you can imagine.
The next morning after we had eaten breakfast, the kids went outside to play. We lived in a quiet
neighborhood, on a dead-end street so there was never any traffic. I was never concerned about them
getting hit, so it struck me odd as I was washing the dishes that morning that I felt a need to go out and
‘watch’ them. But I thought of my dream, immediately left the dishes, and headed out the door.
Not even a minute later our neighbor started to back out of his driveway not seeing my 18-month-old
daughter standing about six feet behind his huge dually work truck! I called out, ‘Stop – Stop!’ Which he
did! Saving my little one.
God mercifully sent the nightmare the night before so she would be spared. I Praise God for interacting
in our lives!
Rose D. – Janesville WI – Summer 1981 told today as if it were yesterday