It was a lovely morning so I sort of ‘snuck out’ in my nightgown to water my flowers before I got my day started. Much to my surprise my neighbor was also out walking – I tried to hide so as not to be caught outside in my nightie. Much to my embarrassment she spotted me and didn’t hesitate to come right over to have a little chat!
She was a beautiful elderly woman, kind and unabashed at wanting to welcome me to my new neighborhood. The invite for me to join her Bible Study was foremost on her mind and she preceded to impress upon me how much she thought I should join the group.
I asked her what it was about and she said simply, “Jesus”! I said that sounds elementary, but I quickly agreed, mainly so I could go inside and put on some clothes!
The Bible Study was a joy and I did meet many of my new neighbors, generous and kind women who have become close friends. These very women were my steady support a year later when my mother died. I was devastated, they were Christ’s hands and feet for me and my family. I was so blessed, incredibly blessed, by their love and care of me in the hardest year of my life.
It has been years since this nightgown clad girl was met in her yard by the neighborhood matriarch, but I am eternally blessed by her pursuing me, even when I didn’t feel dressed for the encounter!
Sherrill – Richardson TX – 1998