Share God With Us. QUIET TIME TAKEAWAY: God is not living in a building, He lives in us. MY NOTES: The Grand Mosque / Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, changes Who is worshipped within its walls; it has been a: Byzantine Christian cathedral (c. 360-1204, 1261-1453) Latin Catholic cathedral (1204-1261) - Mosque (1453-1931; 2020-present) Museum (1935-2020) "We can be in the right place but still have to dig the dirt of human effort out of our life. We can't be filled with the Holy Spirit when we are full of ourselves..." Peter Lewis, paraphrase from Church last night "May we stop looking at our man made selves and turn to Jesus." That is repentance. P. Lewis paraphrase "Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me." Psa. 52:10 MY TAKEAWAY: God is not living in a building- He lives in us when we turn and open the door to our hearts. Thank you for subscribing :) If you know someone who would enjoy these daily messages, simply have them text SHAREGOD to 855-285-0603.