Share God With Us. QUIET TIME TAKEAWAY: An Examined heart meditating on God's Word brings healing and Peace. MY NOTES: "Taking communion with out examining ourselves disrespects God and leaves our spirit sick." 1 Cor. 11:27-30 Paraphrased "When I feed my body but not my spirit I miss God's goodness. He...fills the hungry soul with goodness." Psa. 107:109 NKJV " It takes time alone with God to be healthy spiritually. Meditation may heal more than medication." TWFYT "Those who love your instructions have great peace." Psa 143:165 NLT MY TAKEAWAY: An Examined heart meditating on God's Word brings healing and Peace. Thank you for subscribing :) If you know someone who would enjoy these daily messages, simply have them text SHAREGOD to 855-285-0603.