Share God With Us. QUIET TIME TAKEAWAY: It is our unbelief that keep God's promise locked in a box. MY NOTES: "We, out of all creation, dishonor God with our unbelief and distrust. How often we forget his goodness." Day by Day-Spurgeon "Lord, I do believe, help me in my unbelief.'" Mark 9:24 "... they grumbled in their tents and refused to obey the LORD.' Psa 106:25 - Inside the ark God kept the manna (provision), Aaron's rod (protection) and the tablets of the covenant (His promises) Heb.9:4 My Paraphrase God promises to provide and protect us. MY TAKEAWAY: It is our unbelief that keep God's promise locked in a box. Thank you for subscribing :) If you know someone who would enjoy these daily messages, simply have them text SHAREGOD to 855-285-0603.