Our QT Takeaway: 071520
• Fear indifference to God – Faith requires courage.
My notes:
– It is the law of the farm, you can’t fake a harvest. (Note from my journal)
– When my only fear is that my faith may fail- that is genuine faith indeed.(Streams in the Desert)
– Lord, sit at the furnace mouth to watch that none of the ore be lost. (Valley of Vision.)
– My life will only serve God if I feel my indebtedness to God. (O. Chambers)
– Real courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway.
– Put your fear aside when there is work to be done. (Cowboy Ethics)
– As Christians, our place of work may change but our ultimate Boss never does. (Crosswalk)
‘For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?’ Mark 8:36
My takeaway:
• Fear indifference to God – Faith requires courage.